Become More Tech Savvy

Shifting fears around technology and making friends with it

Are you feeling fearful and or overwhelmed by technology?

If technology doesn't work for you the way it should, or you've got a lot of fears around it, and "screwing things up" that’s ok. It’s just old programming. Old cellular memory, old junk patterns, that can be cleared. 😁

Through this energy clearing you will shift your fears and patterns around technology, feel open to using tech, becoming more tech savvy and start being able to use technology effectively in your life and business.

Now is the time to take control and become more tech savvy

  • Are you intimidated by technology?
  • Do you put off doing tasks that involve technology?
  • Do you wish you were more tech savvy but it just scares you?
  • Does it feel like to much effort to learn?
  • Does the thought of dealing with all the technology these days fill you with anxiety?

then this is for you!

You can become more tech savvy

If your fears and patterns around technology have been holding you back in your life and business, it's important to know:

You can change this!

It's time to tell fear to take a hike and take control in your life!

It's time to let it be easy. 😁

What you get

In this energy clearing you'll clear all old patterns around:

✨Fears of "screwing up" technology stuff
✨Thinking things like "I'm not good with tech"  
✨Fears of where technology is going and what "will happen"
✨I'm too "old, stupid, fallen too far behind to catch up, and whatever else you tell yourself about it"
✨ Fears around “who am I to do this?”  
✨ Self sabotage with your inner critical voice  
✨ You’ll come into resonance with the patterns that it's safe and prosperous to find and use tech tools that work for you!

Technology isn't going away, but you can let yourself learn to use it as the tool it is meant to be. To make your life easier.

What if using tech was fun and easy?

What if you enjoyed using tech tools to make your life easier? What if it felt really good, and it worked? 

What people are saying about energy clearing with me:

Kinsey Lee

Spiritual Coach

Amandalee has an amazing gift for uncovering blocks and shifting patterns & beliefs. During our 30 minute session she was able to completely remove a long standing belief that had been preventing me from moving forward in my business and life purpose.

Amandalee also confirmed some past life memories for me as well as provided me with some tools to help heal childhood trauma. I look forward to working with her again in the future!

These energy pattern clearings are super powerful!

 I’ve been clearing energy patterns on people for years.
 Isn’t it time to make friends with tech?
To utilize incredible tools designed to make your life easier?
Wouldn't it be nice to have technology just work properly? 😁

If you are ready to:
❣️Shift your fears around technology
❣️Let your life become easier by using tools designed to help you
❣️Uplevel your life by being able to automate repetitive tasks and such

This is for you!

You can get through this.
It's time to build your confidence, get rid of the scary patterns that say “It’s not safe!”.  

You know what’s not safe? Feeling overwhelmed by all the technology that is in your life that you don't know how to use.  

You can change how you react to tech, and how well it works for you.  

It's time to release all those patterns, and get you feeling amazing about letting your life become easier.  

The world needs it. The world needs you.  It’s time to shine.

The energy clearing is anchored to the recording. You can go through it as many times as you like.

Why you should learn from me

Amandalee Sparks

I'm Amandalee! I'm an intuitive mindset and marketing coach, and artist. I'm passionate about helping high-vibe people break through their limiting money patterns, get a marketing plant that feels so good, and start allowing in more money with more ease. 

I love to nurture creativity. I've played with acrylic and watercolor paints, digital art and now AI art. I believe that everyone has the power to manifest the life they want. I'm here to help you unlock your potential and design the life of your dreams.

Course Pricing

Become More Tech Savvy

$49 USD

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Nicoleta Sandu

Soul Coach

Amandalee is AMAZING! Her energy patterns clearings are instantaneous because she and her Divine Team of Guides shift the energy at a quantum level.  I had issues with money all my life. I decided to take her courses for better finances.  

Since I am in her group things genuinely improved in all the areas if my life 🌺💜

The minute we discover an energy pattern and she does her magic, I can literally feel change. Thank you Amandalee! You are an Angel in my life 🌺💜

What you get:

You get the hour long energy pattern clearing that you can go through as many times as you like
An energy image of the clearing - to use as a top up

How to use an Energy Image

You gaze at the image with a soft focus and just breathe deeply for about a minute or maybe two minutes.
By doing this you go through an entire energy clearing in just a short amount of time.

An energy image is a great tool to have with you so that you can tune up your energy.

Frequently Asked Questions

No this if for everyone. No need to have a business. It will help you gain control and start becoming more tech savvy.

Nope. All you need is a desire to change and an openness to the process.

Course Pricing

Become More Tech Savvy

$49 USD

Buy Now