Create Your Amazing Offer ... And Sell It!

Four weeks to get your offer fabulous and irresistible, and elevate your ability to sell it. Get ready to rock it

Course Summary

 This course is specifically designed to help you create (or refine) your amazing offer, create a marketing plan that feels oh so good, get you out of your own way, and start selling it!

Are you tired of being held back by limiting beliefs and self-doubt?

  • Are you ready to increase your income? 
  • Do you need a marketing plan?
  • Have you created an offer, but it's just not selling?
  • Do you need clarity in your marketing plan?
  • Do you know what you need to do for your business but you just aren't doing it?

I remember back in 2015 when my husband (then boyfriend) and I moved in together. I realized that I wanted to take my healing business online. In previous years it was very fun to have people come over and spend  extra time after their healing session chatting.

Having people come for in-person sessions no longer fit with my new living situation.  Back then online business wasn’t really a thing like it is now. People were skeptical and unsure.

At the time I didn’t even know that there was more social media than Facebook.  I was feeling a little overwhelmed with all the things I now needed to learn.  

Learning new things, and then teaching them is something that I loooove to do. It lights me up and I enjoy explaining things in ways that let people understand them.  

I set out to learn all about online business. I bought many courses, had multiple coaches, spent tons of money, listened to hours and hours of marketing podcasts, and read shit tons of books.

 I also tried many things. Some worked and some didn’t.  

The principles of marketing stay the same even if the platforms change as things rise and fall online. I now have so much knowledge about online business and marketing.  

It was one of those things where didn’t even realize how much I knew until I started helping my private clients with their business after we got their mindset shifted.  

You will save so much time and effort when you enroll in this course.

You will not only have help in shifting your mindset to a success based one, you will get creating, packaging and pricing your offer and also marketing help.  

Here’s where we blend you. Combine your intuition, your self knowledge and add a dash of marketing strategy, and you’ll get a recipe for success!

Are you ready to create your amazing offer, and sell it?

Imagine being able to confidently create and sell your own offers, with a personalized marketing plan tailored to your unique strengths.

Imagine finally feeling confident and empowered in your business, with a clear path to success.

Imagine having clarity and confidence in your abilities and potential to make money online.

The knowledge you will gain from this course will serve you again and again. It will be worth it's weight in gold.

Which to choose?

VIP  Version

You get:

  • Exclusive Bonus of 2x 1:1 calls with Amandalee to get personalized energy clearing and intuitive coaching $600 value!
  • During these calls your energy will be shifted, and you will get some expert help on installing your success mindset
  • You can use these calls to have Amandalee look at your marketing materials and give feedback on how to improve them
  • Modules 1-4
  • Bonus module 5 - evaluate my marketing journey
  • First 5 people to sign up also get my new mini energy clearing ecourse on getting to $1000 months in your business for FREE

Best for you if you enjoy some extra 1:1 time

Regular Version

You get:

  • Modules 1-4
  • Bonus module 5 - evaluate my marketing journey
  • First 5 people to sign up also get my new mini energy clearing ecourse on getting to $1000 months in your business for FREE

Nicoleta Sandu
Soul Coach

Amandalee is AMAZING! Her energy pattern clearings are instantaneous because she and her Divine Team of Guides shift the energy at a quantum level. I had issues with money all my life. I decided to take her courses for better finances.  

Since I am in her group things genuinely improved in all the areas if my life 🌺💜  The minute we discover an energy pattern and she does her magic, I can literally feel change.

Thank you Amandalee! You are an Angel in my life 🌺💜

Course Curriculum

Enroll today and you'll get:

  • Knowledge of your limiting beliefs & how to change them - good for the rest of your life (Value at PRICELESS but we'll say $500)
  • Energy clearing to help you easily shift your limiting beliefs, recorded to use again and again (Valued at $300) 
  • How to come up with your offer. How to price your offer. How to deliver your offer in a way that feels good to you and works with your lifestyle. What tools will fit what your offer is - you don't need everything all at once (Valued at $1000) 
  • Customized marketing plan (Valued at $500)
  • Bonus module: how to evaluate your marketing campaign what to tweak next time to get some different results (Valued at $600)
  •  2 Group Coaching calls (Valued at $600)

Whip out that calculator. That's a total value of $3500!

Get in now for only $399 or choose the VIP option for only $499!

Plus, buy during my November Sale and Save and additional $100!

Now is the time to join.
You will get all this good stuff that will help you make money for years to come,
for only $299 or $399 VIP option

The price for this course will never be lower than this.


Beth Gemmell

I've never had mindset explained so simply to me before. I understand it now, this is wonderful!

Kinsey Lee
Spiritual Coach

Amandalee has an amazing gift for uncovering blocks and shifting patterns & beliefs. During our session she was able to completely remove a long standing belief that had been preventing me from moving forward in my business and life purpose.

   Amandalee also confirmed some past life memories for me as well as provided me with some tools to help heal childhood trauma. I look forward to working with her again in the future!

Which to choose?

VIP  Version

You get:

  • Exclusive Bonus of 2x 1:1 calls with Amandalee to get personalized energy clearing and intuitive coaching $600 value!
  • During these calls your energy will be shifted, and you will get some expert help on installing your success mindset
  • You can use these calls to have Amandalee look at your marketing materials and give feedback on how to improve them
  • Modules 1-4
  • Bonus module 5 - evaluate my marketing journey
  • First 5 people to sign up also get my new mini energy clearing ecourse on getting to $1000 months in your business for FREE

Best for you if you enjoy some extra 1:1 coaching time

Regular Version

You get:

  • Modules 1-4
  • Bonus module 5 - evaluate my marketing journey
  • First 5 people to sign up also get my new mini energy clearing ecourse on getting to $1000 months in your business for FREE

What makes this course different?

You will get both sides of the equation, the behind the scenes mindset and energy, and then the front facing types of offers, pricing help, and marketing strategy.

A positive mindset and a strong belief in your success

A marketing strategy that feels so good

Leads to sales, success and money

People don’t do their marketing and what they need to do, because they hit limiting beliefs. You’ll get help in all these areas. So you will be set up for success! 

Embrace this majestic journey, for it shall lead you towards triumphant success and unparalleled achievement.

Who is this for?

  • Service providers, healers, coaches, web designers any one who sells services online
  • Course creators
  • If you’ve already got an offer but it’s not selling
  • If you want to learn how to market your offer
  • Online business owners

Who is this NOT for?

  • If you think you want a business but don’t yet know what you’re going to do
  • If you’ll put yourself in financial harm buy buying it

Marketing is simply telling people about your offer

Marketing is a skill you learn. You can learn it, and you will continue to learn it and get better at it the more you do it.

It’s time to build your marketing muscles!

There are so many ways to show up in the world, you can choose what feels good for you, but you must show up!

Which to choose?

VIP  Version

You get:

  • Exclusive Bonus of 2x 1:1 calls with Amandalee to get personalized energy clearing and intuitive coaching $600 value!
  • During these calls your energy will be shifted, and you will get some expert help on installing your success mindset
  • You can use these calls to have Amandalee look at your marketing materials and give feedback on how to improve them
  • Modules 1-4
  • Bonus module 5 - evaluate my marketing journey
  • First 5 people to sign up also get my new mini energy clearing ecourse on getting to $1000 months in your business for FREE

Best for you if you enjoy some extra 1:1 coaching time

Regular Version

You get:

  • Modules 1-4
  • Bonus module 5 - evaluate my marketing journey
  • First 5 people to sign up also get my new mini energy clearing ecourse on getting to $1000 months in your business for FREE

Theresa Alberti

When it comes to energy work and intuitive coaches, I straddle the line between skeptical and "hey, it might help, so it's worth a try!" Amandalee quickly won me over in her energy sessions to remove blocks and shift limiting beliefs.  

She uses her superpowers to help you get aware of what's getting in your way, and gives you tools to guide you in the direction you actually want to go.  

I feel so much better after working with Amandalee-- positive, hopeful, energized to go forward with my work. I look forward to working with her again. 

Dr. Tassel Faith Shanebrook

Amandalee,  I think you are AMAZING!  Your energy clearing session yesterday was fantastic! Thank you so much!

And the image you shared with us is so wonderful! I am going to have it printed out in color!

Why you should learn from me

Amandalee Sparks

I'm Amandalee! I'm an intuitive mindset and marketing coach, and artist. I'm passionate about helping high-vibe people break through their limiting money patterns, get a marketing plant that feels so good, and start allowing in more money with more ease. 

I love to nurture creativity. I've played with acrylic and watercolor paints, digital art and now AI art. I believe that everyone has the power to manifest the life they want. I'm here to help you unlock your potential and design the life of your dreams.


I can attest that Amandalee is AWESOME! I had an energy clearing session with her to work on removing financial/abundance blocks.

Within 2 hours of the session I had a sale in my online store (the first sale in weeks), I had someone give me a $1000 marketing course for free, and I got my Reiki 1 certification as a trade (which I've been trying to manifest for a while now but haven't had money to do). Within 2 hours!! 😍

What people are saying about energy clearing with me:

Frequently Asked Questions

This will work for you if you are a service provider. It will also be helpful if you are marketing a product like an ecourse. However it may not be the best fit if you are only a product creator.

You will find the mindset and the marketing modules extremely helpful, and you might get ideas of how to add a service to your offers.

Mindset as it is talked about here is simply about the thoughts you are thinking. A belief is a thought that you've been thinking for a long time, so it's a habit of thought.

Your thoughts create energy patterns in your energy field. You manifest everything in your life from those patterns. Energy pattern clearing smooths out the patterns so you can think new thoughts, and have new manifestations.

It is fast and deep and leaves you feeling great at the end.

Angela Smith

Having worked with Amandalee for the past three months I can only say that this stuff works!
My abundance channels are well and truly open with money flowing to me from expected and unexpected places.

My vow of poverty consciousness is gone and this feels AMAZING. I am so grateful to have Amandalee as my mind, money, magic coach as my life is forever changed🙏💜🙏 

Course Pricing

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Create My Amazing Offer ecourse VIP

$499 USD

  • Get 2 calls with Amandalee for personalized energy clearing & mindset

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Create My Amazing Offer ecourse

$399 USD

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