Get My Money Flowing

4 weeks to discover and shift your money patterns and turn your money faucet to full!

Course Summary

This course is specifically designed to help you discover what’s in your way from receiving the money you want and to shift it.
There are some light discovery exercises, and then some deep energy clearings.

Take a moment and imagine:

  • The perfect amount of clients or customers you want
  • Receiving income through your passive income products weekly
  • More money in your account every time you check it
  • Paying your bills with ease
  • Buying a new house (or paying off your current one)
  • Taking that dream vacation you always wanted
  • Creating more ease in your life because your money is flowing freely

Just how good does that feel? 😁

You can get there. You can have everything you want.

You must believe that you can.

Your mind is the most powerful thing in your reality, what you believe becomes true for you.

When you ask for money either with words or with vibration (by experiencing not enough money for things you want), that money you ask for becomes yours energetically. It's a done deal.

To make it manifest into physical reality you need to let it in.

When you’re not aligned it’s like having big rock boulders on your path.

You have to go around them.

We’re going to shift your “boulders” your money patterns, and make it easier for you to let in money with ease!

 Your mind is the most powerful thing in your reality, what you believe becomes true for you.

This course is designed to have a little bit of learning and a lot of personal discovery and energy aligning in it.

I've never had mindset explained so simply to me before. I understand it now, this is wonderful!
Beth Gemmell

What people are saying about energy clearing with me:

RoseMarie Pierce, B.Sc. Pharm

Holistic Health Consultant

Myself and my marketing team took this course and had a success almost immediately. Literally the day after the first energy clearing new ideas for an Immunity course came to us. We implemented them, went live the next week, also we recorded it, and now I have my first online course.

This system of energy clearing works fast!  I highly recommend this course and Amandalee’s work to any business owner wanting to get there offerings out there and increase their financial earnings.

Kinsey Lee

Spiritual Coach

Amandalee has an amazing gift for uncovering blocks and shifting patterns & beliefs. During our 30 minute session she was able to completely remove a long standing belief that had been preventing me from moving forward in my business and life purpose.

Amandalee also confirmed some past life memories for me as well as provided me with some tools to help heal childhood trauma. I look forward to working with her again in the future!

Course Curriculum*

Amandalee Sparks

I'm Amandalee! I'm an intuitive mindset and marketing coach, and artist. I'm passionate about helping high-vibe people break through their limiting money patterns, get a marketing plant that feels so good, and start allowing in more money with more ease. 

I love to nurture creativity. I've played with acrylic and watercolor paints, digital art and now AI art. I believe that everyone has the power to manifest the life they want. I'm here to help you unlock your potential and design the life of your dreams.

Nicoleta Sandu

Soul Coach

Amandalee is AMAZING! Her energy patterns clearings are instantaneous because she and her Divine Team of Guides shift the energy at a quantum level. I had issues with money all my life. I decided to take her courses for better finances.

Since I am in her group things genuinely improved in all the areas if my life 🌺💜

The minute we discover an energy pattern and she does her magic, I can literally feel change. Thank you Amandalee! You are an Angel in my life 🌺💜

Frequently Asked Questions

No this is good for anyone who's wanting to shift into more money, and willing to do the work & go through the energy clearings.

I describe it on the video at the top of the page as well. Basically your thoughts create energy patterns in your energy field. You manifest everything in your life from those patterns. Energy pattern clearing smooths out the patterns so you can think new thoughts, and have new manifestations.

Course Pricing

Get My Money Flowing

$199 USD

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