Getting Started With AI Art

Expand your creativity and unlock your inner artist

Course Summary

This is a beginner guide to starting with AI Art on various platforms for free. Find your style, learn how to create a prompt and get an image.

Uncover the power of AI Art. This ecourse is designed to help you expand your creativity and unlock your inner artist.

We will explore different AI art tools and techniques to help you create and explore your AI art journey. You will have access to video tutorials.

We will also dive into the basics of AI art, how to use the tools, how to use the tools to create your own AI art, and how to use AI art to explore your creativity.

By the end of this ecourse, you will have a strong foundation in AI art and be making your own digital images.

Creativity is inherent in you

You are a creative soul! Everyone has the seed of creativity. Some had it planted in barren soil, some had their sprout squashed before it could grow and blossom.

AI art is an excellent way to let yourself be creative.

To create some beautiful art today.

Leverage the skills of those that came before you, and develop your creativity, which will enhance your life.

You get more of what you focus on, so focus on being creative, learn how fun creativity can be, and then expand into other exciting creative areas.

With AI Art you can create anything you want!

Be inspired by the AI artist community that is present on the AI art sites you'll learn about.

This is an exciting time, technology is changing fast.

You'll be making awesome images right away!

That sounds incredible! I'm ready to learn to make AI art now:

Course Curriculum

That sounds incredible! I'm ready to learn to make AI art now:

Frequently Asked Questions

Nope no artist skill is required. You input text and it outputs an image. It's simple and easy.

Yes. The places that I'm showing you only use a browser and an internet connection, or an app called Discord which can be used in a browser.

AI art is artwork created by artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, such as neural networks, deep learning, and generative adversarial networks.

AI art differs from traditional art in that it is not created by humans directly (like with a paintbrush etc.), but instead by AI programs that are designed to autonomously generate images. AI art can be seen as a form of algorithmic creativity, as it can generate artwork that is unpredictable and unique.

Think of AI art like just another medium. You can learn to paint with acrylics, sculpt in clay, and use a computer to create a piece of digital art.

AI can generate art that is emotionally charged and can be used to convey a range of emotions, from joy to fear or sadness. AI art can be used to explore new ways of expressing and understanding emotion, as well as to create an immersive, emotional experience for viewers.

Yes! Read the specific terms of use on any website or application you use to generate AI art. Most have a specific paragraph detailing how it can be used for commercial purposes.

You can create all kinds of things with AI art

That sounds incredible! I'm ready to learn to make AI art now:

Amandalee Sparks

I'm Amandalee! I'm an intuitive mindset and marketing coach, and artist. I'm passionate about helping high-vibe people break through their limiting money patterns, get a marketing plant that feels so good, and start allowing in more money with more ease. 

I love to nurture creativity. I've played with acrylic and watercolor paints, digital art and now AI art. I believe that everyone has the power to manifest the life they want. I'm here to help you unlock your potential and design the life of your dreams.

Erica Armstrong

I love learning from Amandalee, she explains things so well.

RoseMarie Pierce

This is an amazing course! I love the screen sharing, it was very easy to learn.

Course Pricing

Getting Started With AI Art

$49 USD

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